, while often criticised for its slightly antiquated interface, is arguably the most popular free software and open source office suite and in many cases, a good alternative to Microsoft's ubiquitous software system.
However, like many bits of software, it does have its annoyances. One of these is the 'help agent'. It is almost akin to the hated Office Assistant ('clippy') and pops up from time to time to tell you supposedly helpful things, like how it just corrected something you typed.
Note: today's tip is applicable to all systems where you can run OOo - Windows, Linux (and other Unix) and Mac OS X.
If the popup is really annoying you by being visually distracting, or if just gets on your nerves that it is popping up and trying far too hard to be helpful, it is easy to disable entirely.
To do so, go to Tools > Options and go to the General category.
On that screen, simply uncheck 'Help Agent', click OK, and the little light bulb should bug you no longer.