I've been trying fruitlessly for the past few days trying to install Fedora 9 from the official i386 install DVD. The SHA1 sum validated fine, and I burned it to a new DVD-R disc.
On inserting it into the machine I was planning to install on, and then post my impressions here on FOSSwire from, I received two errors. The system boots from the isolinux menu without a problem, and works right up until you select to install from your CD/DVD media.
Initially, I kept being asked for a driver from a driver floppy. There was no specific information as to what driver it was searching for, and I was stumped as Fedora 8 previously installed without a problem on the same hardware.
Later, this no longer appeared, but instead I got this:
If anyone out there in the community has experienced this issue too, I'd be extremely grateful if they would let me know. Also, any potential solutions to the problem would be a great help.