Burning CD and DVD ISO images with cdrecord

  • November 12, 2007
  • Avatar for peter

So, I've just successfully downloaded my image of Fedora 8, Werewolf (after one unsuccessful attempt) and I'm ready to burn it. It's a DVD ISO image and I downloaded it on my CLI only server.

So, how do I burn it from the command line? There are actually a couple of different programs you can use, but for this example I'm going to show you how to use cdrecord. Yes, it's called cdrecord, but it works with DVDs too, don't you know?

So I pop in a blank DVD-R disc in my drive, and run the following:

# cdrecord -v -dao speed=4 dev=/dev/dvd /path/to/Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso

There are some things in that command that need a little explanation, so let's take a look:

-v - turns on verbose mode. If, heaven forbid, something were to go wrong with the burning process and I was to be left with a coaster, I will at least know what with this switch activated.

-dao - puts us in Disc At Once mode. Since we're burning an ISO image here, I don't want to add any more data later in a future 'session', so I can just instruct cdrecord to put it in one session and finalise the disc.

speed=4 - I keep the burning speed down as it is more likely to burn properly and not fail. You can experiment with higher speeds if you want, but don't go higher than either your media or burner state they can do (and do

dev=/dev/dvd - this is the device node for your DVD drive. It's usually safe to put /dev/dvd here, but if that doesn't work, you may need to use /dev/cdrom or something else.

Finally, I specify the path to the ISO image I want to burn.

After some interesting messages, the burn process should start and you should get a progress message showing you the amount of data that has been copied and some other diagnostic information.

Finally, you should get something along the lines of:

Track 01: 3266 of 3266 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 97%] 39.2x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 3424749568/3424749568 (1672241 sectors).
Writing time: 645.893s
Average write speed 35.7x.
Min drive buffer fill was 11%
Fixating time: 26.881s
cdrecord: fifo had 53944 puts and 53944 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 27183 times full, min fill was 76%.

At this point, you can eject your disc and put it to use - however that may be!

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