There are a fair few free software and open source content management system (CMS) projects out there, and finding the one that best suits your needs isn't always an easy task.
Of course it's not too difficult to download and install them, but sometimes it would be nice to test drive some without having to go through the installation dance. That is exactly the problem that tries to solve.
It offers an impressive array of choices of CMSs to try that are divided into several categories - portals, blogs, ecommerce, groupware, forums and so forth. You can click any CMS in the list to jump straight to a working demo install of it. In almost all cases you'll also get access to the administration features of your chosen CMS so you can evaluate each one fully.
This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any CMS system here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs. You should also visit CMS Training Videos for more in depth video tutorials for many of these systems.
All the installs are pretty much default - the only changes are usually certain restrictions made for security reasons. You are free to play around with your CMS of choice to your heart's content as all the sites are restored to their default configuration every two hours.
It really is a genuinely useful resource when you're at the stage of evaluating possible solutions when building a website and is worth checking out even if to discover something you didn't know about before!