Google to launch more applications for Linux

  • June 18, 2007
  • Avatar for peter

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As companies go, Google is often pretty Linux-friendly and pro-active about making their products work with Linux. Obviously, it helps that most of their products are web-based, but we already have a couple of desktop offerings for Linux from Google, such as Picasa and Google Earth.

The unofficial Google Operating System blog is reporting that Google are making plans to launch more desktop applications for Linux:

In a presentation [PDF] from Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, Google announced they'll release important Linux desktop applications this year.

The post there points out that us Linux users are missing things like Google Talk, Google Desktop and Google's SketchUp drawing tool.

Google recently renewed their commitment to building desktop apps for the Mac and have a Mac-specific downloads page and a Google Mac blog. Hopefully this move will get us Linux users some love too in the form of software and support.

I think this can only be a good thing and I'm all for more application support for Linux on the desktop.

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